GMBA総括編、僕なりに振り返って何が書きたいかなと考えてみました。その結果、書きたいことのとどのつまりは、卒業直前に、GMBA創設者のE Han Kim教授が例年開催してくれるFarewell Partyの中で行った、Class PresidentとしてのCommencement Speechに凝縮されているという結論に至りましたので、少しこっぱずかしいですが、原文をそのまま掲載して、ちょくちょく回想しながら書き綴るスタイルにしてみたいと思います。
Hello everyone I am Leo Sanada, class president of GMBA 2017.
It’s honor to have a spotlight representing my respectful class mates here today.
I can’t believe that we are ending our MBA journey. If I’d had a time machine, I wish I could go back to Asia Session in Seoul when we got drank with Magkoli and Soju every night. But thing is that I can’t remember any of fun time after I really got drank, which I truly regret. Anyways.
As a graduating student, I would like to share a story about the power of rejection.
さて、ここからが本番。「Power of Rejection」というタイトルでスピーチを作ってみました。
Rejection sounds something that is not welcomed. Life should be easier if we are not rejected any single moment. However, at Ross GMBA program, I was rejected many times and these experiences opened my eyes and made me tough.
For example, in fall semester last year, I participated in an elective course to come up a business idea. I teamed up with several students including one GMBA student who attends today.
We worked really hard. Based on the idea developed at the course, we applied for accelerator programs and participated business idea contests offered by U of M. I also pitched my idea to Ann Arbor’s startup community. I was excited to all these challenges, but the results were disastrous.
Except one accelerator program provided by Ross, my startup idea was rejected. I got an unexpected grade at the elective. I got emails from administrators of accelerator programs, saying “Thank you for your application, but we can’t offer you a spot. Good luck”. At the pitch event, an audience made lines to other presenters, but no one came to me. I felt my idea failed.
However, I learned why I got so many rejections. That was because I ventured and took risks. Jumping into a new world requires me to stretch my capabilities, and as a result of the attempts, I just made mistakes. Rejection is a form of a strong message that I must improve something. It’s a gift. I realized this lesson over the winter break while I was intoxicated with Mojito and Salsa music two weeks in Cuba.
After coming back to Ann Arbor, I was re-born. I tried to carefully interpret the meaning every time I felt audience was not convinced with my pitch.
Eventually, I came across to a business partner who allowed me to launch my prototype to my target users. Now, I am confident with my prototype and I’ve decided to start my own tech business in Silicon Valley from the next month. Fortunately, I already found a big potential customer and got an offer from an accelerator based in San Francisco.
Asia, most of us come from, is changing rapidly. After graduation, most of us will go back to Asia and will see many problems to be solved. When you address these problems, you will fight with your boss, privileges, or authorities. You will experience a lot of rejections. But the pain will open a dialogue among stakeholders and you will think differently. In that sense, I believe, rejection can change the world.
When we experience rejections, we need safe places to heal the pain. In my case, faculties and classmates helped me a lot. I got new ideas, compassion, and courage. I would like to express my deepest appreciation for all of you.
And, more than anyone else, my wife, who is attending over there, always encouraged me. Without her unconditional support, I wouldn’t be here as I am today. Please let me send her my special thanks.
From tomorrow, we will embark on respective journeys. I would like to help my peers no matter when, where, what in order to pay back the benefits that I was given. Also, I’m happy to pay forward to the class of 2018 guys. By contributing one another within GMBA and entire Ross community, we will grow a wonderful asset, which is called alumni network. Let’s make the best alumni network in the world, and let’s go blue!
Thank you.
最後は、やっぱりGo Blue!卒業してもなお、Go Blueが日本語に訳すとどういうニュアンスになるのかよくわかりませんでしたが、とりあえずGo Blueとか言っておけば、なんとかなるものだと思って、前に進むことにしました。